Monday, October 18, 2010
{ 11:15 PM }
This guy here is a super Annoying , Irritating , Hot tempered ! I so hate youu loser ! ( that's only when you freaking irritate me alottt ! ) on the other side , you're nice , sweet , friendly , cute .. i think i should just stop here if not you'll start flying high .
We first met on the 23 June 2010 , and now we're good friends :D , in this 4 months , many things happened . We quarrelled , had random phone calls , late night chats etc . And after having those fights that lasted for a few days , we still started talking like normal again , which is kinda good because i wont have anyone to fight with ):
All the random phone talks , all the crap we talked will be a good mememory and i'll never forget it . And you make sure remember the 23rd till the day you die .
To Deerin Lakhan/Drin Lakhan/Mat/Dumbdumb/Drinmama ,
Though many things had happened between us , you're still one of my bestfriend , and you not forget me or else , I'LL KILL YOU ! andandandand please QUIT SMOKINGGGGG !
Ps; i really can't think of anything now , sorry for the damn short post .
{ 3:23 AM }
you're not the one ,
thats what i realised .
And i'm tired ,
tired of trying .
you're just so different ,
different that i'm shattered
what is left ?
nothing .
why do i care ?
because i miss you .
why do you care ?
you have other better things to do right ?
i ' m g i v i n g u p o n y o u a n d e v e r y t h i n g e l s e .
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
{ 10:59 PM }
I want you back in my life , like seriously , imyvm .
I believe that i'm NOT IN LOVE .
Its just you're so nice and sweet till i took it for granted .
Maybe i was brainwashed by some assholes .